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Triforce Quartet: Legend of Zelda Medley (Original Version)

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Arranged by Chad Schwartz:

See the updated version of this medley here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1cDR1NvR_E

“JMU grad finds YouTube fame with Zelda medley”

For my Senior Cello Recital at James Madison University in March 2006, I decided that my recital needed something extra. This is the encore of my recital. If you can name all of the zelda themes used in this medley, you are as cool as me. Enjoy!

For those wondering how I got the sheet music. I listened to an old Hyrule Symphony mp3 and transcribed the parts into a music writing program. I then added two sections (dungeon from link 2 and zeldas lullaby) and changed around some other stuff (like adding the full version of the original).

***1,000,000 views! WOW!!!*** Thanks everyone!

Make sure to check out my video games concert performed in 11/08:
Legend of Zelda Medley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1cDR1NvR_E
Final Fantasy Medley (Pt 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYYAyLaxGck Pt 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMeaMNHGdcc )
Mario Bros. Medley ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5WMUnMGcb4 )
Encore: ‘Never Forget’ Theme from Halo
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKRAzUEvu14 )

**side note**
I realize it’s not completely in tune, we put it together at the last second. I actually didn’t decide I was going to do it until the day of my recital. I admit that if I knew it was going to go viral on youtube, I would’ve spent a lot more time practicing/rehearsing it!